Caminata is the word used in Mexico for race walking, an athletics event that requires exceptional training, precision, and balance. Tim Berrett, President of Caminata Consulting, is a five-time Olympic race walker, and brings the same training, precision, and balance to his consulting work. He has extensive background in a range of economic research, policy, and management areas, and specializes in sport and recreation policy.
Tim holds a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta, specializing in organizational aspects of corporate sponsorship of amateur sport in Canada. Prior to completing his doctoral research, Tim was an Economic Analyst with National Economic Research Associates in London, England. He also worked as a Resource Economist with the Centre for Resource Studies at Queen’s University, where he obtained his Master’s degrees in economics and public administration. In each of these positions, he was responsible for the collection and detailed analysis of primary and secondary data. Tim’s writing skills have been refined in his years as a consultant and as an academic researcher with several peer-reviewed publications to his name. In his work as Caminata Consulting President, Tim has provided consulting services relating to issues such as industrial sector analysis, economic impacts, facility needs assessments, and business and strategic planning for a variety of clients including international, national, provincial and local sport/recreation organizations, the heritage sector, corporate, not-for-profit, and government agencies.
Tim is familiar at a hands-on level with all tiers of the Canadian sport delivery system, and particularly the Alberta context. This means that Caminata Consulting can offer the precise analysis that comes from intimate, experiential knowledge of sport organizations and structures. In addition to being a 5-time Olympian, Tim served as President of Athletics Alberta from 2008-2014, and was a member of the Athletics Canada board of directors from 2014-2017. Since 2017, he has been a member of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Race Walking Committee. Tim is also chair of the 2015 Pan American Junior Athletics Championships, and has served as Chair of the Athletics Canada Branch Presidents’ Council. He is a member of the Alberta Sport Development Centre (Edmonton) advisory board, and the Pan American Race Walk Commission. Tim has been instrumentally involved in the delivery of Athletics Canada’s Run Jump Throw Walk Wheel programming in Edmonton elementary schools for the past decade, and is also chair of the Athletics Canada Rules Committee, which reviews and updates competition and governance rules and regulations for the association.
Through Caminata Consulting, Tim Berrett offers a unique balance of formal education and hands-on experience. His academic training and experience in economic research, policy, and management, together with his extensive involvement in sport organizations and programming, places Tim in an ideal position to offer consultation and expertise on diverse aspects of sport and recreation policy.